About Clay
13572 Green Lane
Grass Valley, Ca 95945
(530) 913-1334
I have been dedicated to the pursuit of fly fishing and it’s various skills since I got my first fiberglass Fenwick rod when I was about 18 years old. I spent about 20 years in a row fishing the high country lakes and streams in Montana’s and Wyoming’s Beartooth and Absorokee ranges pursuing cutthroat trout. I bought my first drift boat, a 10 1/2’ “Metalhead” about 20 years ago. I’ve been rowing different rivers ever since.
My desire and goal is to be a teacher, mentor and fly fishing educator to help friends, family and new acquaintances to enjoy the world of fly fishing, and environments. To spread the word, that it isn’t about the number of fish you catch, it’s the experience. The time spent in and around the beautiful lakes, streams and river here in the Pacific Northwest. It’s about, friends, family and the people you encounter along the way. It’s about Life.
These days I spend most of my fishing time enjoying the experiences of fishing the Lower Yuba River, and other fisheries here in Northern Calfornia, mainly from the view of my rowers seat in my Hyde drift boat or my Fishcraft raft. I enjoy helping and teaching my friends and family and new acquaintances while experiencing the days floating or wade fishing the rivers in beautiful environments. Lets make some new “Traditions”.
Copyright Acknowledgments
Email: clayhash.fft@gmail.com
Fly Shops
- Blue Ribbon Flies – blue-ribbon-flies.com
- Caddis Fly Shop – caddisflyshop.com
- Deschutes Angler – deschutesangler.com
- Fish First, Mac Noble Fish – fishfirst.com
- Fly Fishing Specialties – flyfishingspecialties.com
- Kiene’s Fly Shop – kiene.com
- The Fly Shop – theflyshop.com
- Red Shed Fly Shop – redshedflyshop.com
- The Reel Anglers Fly Shop – reelanglersflyshop.com
Guide Services
- Hogan Brown of HGB Fly Fishing – hgbflyfishing.com
- Mike Hibbard – mikehibbardflyfishing.com
- Craig Neilson of Shasta Trout – shastatrout.com
- Frank Rinella, Sierra Guide Service – sierraguide@sbcglobal.net
- Dreamdrift Flies – dreamdriftflies.com
- Trout Nut – troutnut.com
- Umpqua – umpqua.com
- West Fly – west-fly-fishing.com
- Caddisflies by Gary Lafontaine (Apr 28, 1989)
- Handbook Of Hatches: Introductory Guide to the Foods Trout Eat & the Most Effective Flies to Match Them by Dave Hughes (Jan 2005)
- The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing by Charlie Meyers and Kirk Deeter
- Trout Rigs & Methods: What You Need to Know to Construct Rigs that Work for All Types of Trout Flies & the Most Effective Fishing Methods for Catching More & Larger Trout by Dave Hughes (Jan 10, 2007)
- Western Mayfly Hatches: From The Rockies To The Pacific, by Rick Hafele and Dave Hughes
- Wet Flies: Tying and Fishing Soft-Hackles, Winged and Wingless Wets, and Fuzzy Nymphs by Dave Hughes and Richard Bunse (Mar 1995)
- Bug Water by Arlen Thomason (Dec 2009)

Clay Hash
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