FFT Instructional Classes & Workshops
Fly Fishing Traditions offers educational opportunities for fly fishers of all levels, including one on one single handed fly casting and spey casting lessons, and for small groups offer schools, workshops and clinics. By getting detailed instruction you can take your fly fishing skills to a new level.

Individual Fly
Casting Lessons
Personal instruction. If you’ve been casting for a while you may have developed a hitch in your casting stroke. A little coaching can get you right on track. Casting instruction…
Individual FlyCasting Lessons

Fly Fishing Traditions
Stillwater School
Fly Fishing Traditions teaches a Stillwater School for the fly fishers that want to jump start their entry into the world of fishing stillwaters. The Stillwater School will take…
Fly Fishing TraditionsStillwater School

Fly Fishing Traditions
Tailwater Tactics
Fly Fishing Traditions is proud to offer educational opportunities for learning about fishing “Tailwaters”. The “Tailwater Techniques and Tactics Workshops” will take place…
Fly Fishing TraditionsTailwater Tactics

Individual Spey
Casting Lessons
If you are learning how to cast a spey rod or switch rod the best thing to do is to get some personal instruction. It can get very confusing to learn when to use a specific cast.
Individual SpeyCasting Lessons

Fly Fishing Traditions
Nymphing Tactics Workshops
There seems to be some debate as to what genus that the larger Gray or Slate colored mayflies we come across on the Lower Yuba really are. The concensus is that they…
Fly Fishing TraditionsNymphing Tactics Workshops

Fly Fishing Traditions
Fly Fishing 101
Fly Fishing Traditions is providing an entry level fly fishing class called “Fly Fishing 101”. This is a comprehensive 6 session class, about 2 ½ hours per session, for the person that has…
Fly Fishing TraditionsFly Fishing 101

Fly Fishing Traditions
Floating Spey School
Fly Fishing Traditions is proud to offer a Spey and Switch Rod School that will take place on the beautiful Lower Yuba River. This school is broken into two separate classes…
Fly Fishing TraditionsFloating Spey School

Fly Fishing Traditions
Casting Workshop
This workshop will focus on fine tuning your dry fly casting technique and show you various “Presentation Casts” to improve presenting dry flies to fussy trout.
Fly Fishing TraditionsCasting Workshop

Clay Hash
Book Your Guided Trips Today
For more information about the FFT Guided Trips or to book a day.
Contact Clay